
Affirmations Starlight Art Consultancy Businify Your Art Life.jpg

A helpful way to reprogram the inner critic and its limiting beliefs are to set up daily positive affirmations. An affirmation is a short sentence that resonates with you and will help flip the script. I have found that what works best is setting up a reminder on my phone at the same time each day to write out my affirmations. You can use whatever comes to mind or pick from the 30 affirmations below. The best way to get these to stick in your subconscious mind is to write them down 10-20 times.  I suggest picking one and sticking with it for two weeks to one month and then choosing another one and so on. The best affirmations are personal and memorable. If you choose to create your own affirmations, remember that words matter, so try not to use any negative words such as “don't'' or “can’t.” Let's keep them positive! 

Affirmation Examples:

*Write out 10-20 times

  1. I am a master at technology.

  2. Money flows to me like water.

  3. I am an artist who sells art consistently.

  4. Collectors are happy to pay what I ask for my artwork.

  5. I have repeat collectors.

  6. I inspire others daily with my artwork.

  7. I am a successful freelance artist.

  8. I am always led on the right path.

  9. I am proud of the artwork I create.

  10. I rest and recharge when I need to.

  11. I am brave and share my journey.

  12. I choose to live freely each day.

  13. I am motivated each day to create.

  14. I am kind and generous to myself.

  15. The Universe supports me each and every day.

  16. I am learning how to surrender.

  17. I create healthy habits.

  18. I establish loving boundaries in my life.

  19. My artwork heals those who experience it.

  20. I am open to receiving from those who give.

  21. I am learning to be courageous.

  22. I choose to see other perspectives.

  23. I trust the timing of the Universe.

  24. I am successful by being myself each day.

  25. I surround myself with people who lift me up.

  26. I am surrounded by harmony.

  27. I nourish myself inside and out.

  28. I take aligned action each day.

  29. The seeds I plant will bloom when the time is right.

  30. Each day is calm and fulfilling.

Let me know in the comments:

  • Which affirmation will you use?

  • How long will you use this affirmation?

  • How will you remind yourself each day to write out your affirmation?

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Limiting Self-Beliefs