Limiting Self-Beliefs

Limiting Self Belief Starlight Art Consultancy Businify Your Art Life.jpg

A limiting belief is exactly what it sounds like: it’s a belief you have that stops you from doing or being your most authentic self. Whether it is actually true or not, it’s a belief that we have accepted as reality. The best way to combat this belief is to reframe it into a thought that will lift you up to be the best version of you. 


Limiting Belief: If I talk too much on social media about me or my artwork, people will think I’m conceited. 

Reframed Belief: When I share myself and my artwork, I am letting people know what inspires me and this will inspire others to be creative too.

Let me know in the comments:

  • What limiting beliefs are holding you back?

  • What is something that you want to do (or be, or have) but feel you can’t?

  • What beliefs do you need to reframe to accomplish this? What would the new beliefs be?

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