Inner Critic

Inner Critic Starlight Art Consultancy Businify Your Art Life.jpg

You may be wondering what in the world is an inner critic. The inner critic is that mean voice inside your head. It is quick to tell you that you can’t do anything right, that your work is not good enough, and no one will like it. Our inner critic is the Blue Meanie that lives inside of all of us. It never really goes away completely, but if you learn to pay attention to it, you can combat what it’s trying to tell you and lessen the impact it has on you and your work.

Our inner critic is just our fear. It is trying to keep us safe and stagnant because it just doesn’t know any better. Way back in the day it developed in humans to keep us safe— you know, when we were cave people. Scientists call this our Reptilian Brain. It’s the part of the brain that wants to keep us safe from judgement, criticism, rejection, and failure. We obviously are not cave people anymore and therefore do not need to listen to this voice to stay safe.

The inner critic wants to keep you in a box where it won’t get hurt. It doesn’t care if you feel happy as long as it is safe. Unfortunately, staying comfortable comes at a cost— not feeling fulfilled or satisfied with your life. 

Let me know in the comments:

  • What does your inner critic normally say when you try to make decisions?  Example: No one will care about or buy my art, so why even share it?

  • What does your inner critic look like at this moment? Remember, it isn’t YOU; it is separate from you. It could be an imaginary character or even someone in your life.

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Non-Negotiables & Routines