Non-Negotiables & Routines

Non negotiables Routines Starlight Art Consultancy Businify Your Art Life.jpg

We get so accustomed to jumping into our day doing ALL the things that need to be done for others and then when there’s time left for us, we are too tired. If you adopt this routine of self-neglect for long enough, it will surely lead to burnout. If you aren’t full yourself, you cannot possibly give back to other people. This is why it’s so important to fill your own cup so that you have enough energy to give to everyone you care about as well as to yourself. To do this, you need to come up with a list of non-negotiables, which are tasks you complete before starting your day. Note that these will change over time depending on your circumstances and what season of life you are in.

One way to give back to yourself is to move your body daily. This could mean anything from having a wicked sweat sesh to a calming connection to your soul through practicing yoga. When we move our body daily, it helps reset and release creativity and feel more aligned with ourselves. In addition to moving your body, fueling and hydrating it is just as important. If we are eating crap, we are going to feel like crap eventually. This is the only body we have and since we ask so much of it, we might as well help it along by feeding and hydrating it right. Don’t forget the sleep portion! Sleep is the foundation to getting the very best results for your body. 

Fueling our mind and soul are also important to set ourselves up to have the best day possible. 

Let me know in the comments:

  • What type(s) of body movement will you schedule?

  • How will you fuel your mind and soul?

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Inner Critic

